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Our client is an avid hunter of many years, came up with a concept to solve a problem that he and other hunters have always had – finding the right outfitters to plan hunting trips around.  He started a mission to learn how hunters and outfitters connect, and found that outfitters have a related problem – finding hunters to fill their capacity. Therefore, he started interviewing hunters and outfitters to learn the needs of the marketplace, and the result is Next Level Outdoors concept, a do-it-yourself SAAS product that provides the ability for outfitters to promote and advertise their specialties and amenities to hunters, and for hunters to find the perfect outfitters to plan their hunting trips around. 

Problem & Scope
A study conducted by the U.S. of Fish & Wildlife Service showed an increase in the number of hunters and anglers over the last five years. In 2011 almost 38 percent of American participated in some wildlife-related activity. That's 2.6 million more people than the last survey conducted in 2006. However, preparing hunting trips are not easy. Hunters need to spend lots of time and energy looking for outfitters online in order to collect enough information. And most of outfitters are still using traditional payment process which is not convenient anymore. This mobile app provides outfitters information and their services. Hunters can book their hunting trip and make payment all in one place. 

My Role
• Research
• Mobil app UI/UX design, Admin web app UI/UX design, Outfitters web app UI/

I worked with this project as a sole designer under high level business requirement. Below are the process of doing research, wireframe, mockup and prototype.
*When I took this project, I worked closely with clients, director and developers to clearly understand what features and functionalities they expected to have. I interviewed several hunters to find out the current issues they were facing when planning hunting trips and had test on very step from wireframes to final deliverable with people to improve work flow, functionalities and desirability.
Market Research
A reported 13.7 million people, about 6 percent of the total population over the age of 16, went hunting, and spent a total of $34 billion. That's an average of $2,484 per hunter. A 2016 demographic profile from the National Sporting Goods Association in its report, “Sports Participation in 2016, Shooting Sports” prepared for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, reveals that in 82.2% of rifle hunters are male, with an average age of 43.2 years old. Females, who make up the remaining 17.8% of rifle hunters, have an average age of 36.9 years old.

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Competitive Analysis

There are not many mature mobile apps for this industry. I searched and tested some other mobile apps and websites that have similar functionalities. Regular B&B does not provide hunting-related information. Most hunting B&B don't have mobile apps for booking. Payment processes are still not very convenient. 

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Customer Journey Map

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User Flows and Sitemap

After gathering the information from the user journey to understand the user's preferences for grouping and flow, I developed a clear understanding of how to structure the user flows and sitemap effectively. To start, I visualized the required screens and organized them in an intuitive flowchart to determine the best layout.

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Sketches and Wireframes

After exploring some of the ideas through sketches, I transitioned to the wireframing process, where I crafted interface mockups. The wireframes were designed to maintain a simple appearance, ensuring that the core functionality and app's flow remain the primary focus.


Testing and Design Revisions

While creating the task flow and low-fi process, I collaborated with the client multiple times to refine certain functionalities. For instance, during the search process, I initially requested hunters to input specific details like dates, hunting locations, and types of games. However, upon client feedback, we simplified the search process by allowing hunters to skip this step and directly view outfitters. If they wish to book a hunt, they can later enter these details using filters.

During usability testing with hunters and outfitters, one significant change involved the placement of the edit icon in the favorite section. Initially, the edit icon was placed in the saved folder, but this confused finding the link to the saved list screen. Consequently, I relocated the edit icon to the saved list screen and turned the entire saved folder into a link.

While the testing process is ongoing due to the current hunting season, the client has already received positive feedback from some hunters who tested the app. The overall response has been promising and encouraging.




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UI Design and HI-FI Prototype

This app is targeting outdoor activities. So the UI design looks more toward nature style. I try to make the UX design as simple and clear as possible.

Main Screens


What Should Do Next?

I received very positive feedback from usability test and made some minor modification based on hunters' and outfitters' tests. Then I prepared required documentation for developers to make MVP. More features will be created on phase 2.   








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